Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well first off, I feel a hell of a lot better. Anyway, to the bat netting. We got to the site in SE Missouri and quickly helped set up 4 mist nets. After a bit of frustration over a large beetle tangling one of the nets, we got them up and ready. So we moved our vehicles to our "base camp" and waited. We checked the nets about every 15 minutes for about 4 hours. We successfully netted only 5 bats, but that's better than none. Two of the bats were targets for the researcher we were helping. Well at around 12:30am, we decided that 4 hours was long enough so we headed back to J-boro. After a very sleepy drive home, we pulled into the apartment at about 3:15am. We were out cold shortly after. Then, about 5 hours later, we had a knock. The maintenance man was here to replace our kitchen faucet. Great timing, but at least we have a fully functional kitchen sink again.

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